Lavender sachets to support Ukraine refugee relief.

To whom much has been given...

I have gardens and this past year my five lavender plants are 4 years old.  The harvest was so amazing I had much more than I knew what to do with.  I gave to all my family and friends and still had a bounty.  Not til I was listening to heartbreak in the news did I land on this idea to take my abundance and turn it into help.  Lavender sachets to sell and help those who are being forced to leave their homes and gardens.  For Ukraine and many more refugees.  My heart breaks.  My hands work at help with the mending.

It is expressed in many faiths that prayer is like incense before God.  I would like to think as you place these little sachets in areas where the aroma greets you or as you gently squeeze it’s contents slightly crushing the buds and releasing a fresh aroma that it also is an act/release of a prayer for ALL refugees in our world.

UPDATE April 20, 2022

Today I was able to send enough $$ from the purchase of the Lavender Sachets  to provide supplies and humanitarian relief to 2 families crossing the border to safety and even a surplus to that.  So grateful that my dear lavender is not languishing in my potting shed but has been turned around for good.  Thank you to all those who have helped me in this.  I'm ever grateful.  Constance